Dear Scarlett,
You are Mermaid obsessed. Anything that has to do with a mermaid, you are all about it!
Tantrums come more often now, usually when you are sleepy.
Favorite foods: Blueberries, strawberries, fruit snacks, drinkable yogurts, cereal in a bowl with no milk, waffles, and veggie chik-patties and melon. (You call all meat or meatless foods that look like meat, chicken.)
Favorite song: "Do You Want To Build A Snowman" Frozen Soundtrack.
You love: Your rain boots, Dancing, The Little Mermaid, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, school, and pretending to drink coffee with me.
You don't like: Getting in the bath tub, and then getting out. ;) Getting up early (Just like your mama). Peas, or getting dressed.
We went ice skating with you for the first time this month. You did well for a 2 1/2 year old. Daddy did pretty good too, although you may have been better than him….haha.
Love Mama