Monday, July 2, 2012

Our Scare.

Dear Scarlett,

     This weekend you scared Daddy and I. The massachusetts family was up to visit and the weekend started out wonderful. We had lots of fun things planned: pool, shopping, dining, Jazz Festival, gelato, movies and games. But on Saturday night, you started feeling warm and acting sleepy. I could tell that you didn't feel good. You were quiet and relaxed. Everyone knows that my little Scarbaby is a mischievous little devil on the go go go! Mommy had Oppa bring you back home after dinner. When the rest of us got back, I could tell you weren't feeling good so I put you down to sleep. When I checked on you at 9 pm, you were burning up with a fever. I stripped your clothes, got a cold cloth and grabbed the Tylenol. Before I could even finish, you started having a seizure. 

    This was the scariest 4 minutes of my life. Besides the last hospital scare when you were 6 months old. 

   Thankfully, I was on the phone with the doctor when this happened. She assured me it was a febrile seizure and it was because of the fever, so not to panic. I still did. Daddy called 911 and before I knew it, you were being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance with me by your side. Daddy followed behind. The paramedic calmed me by telling me that his son had the same thing when he was little and not to panic. You would be just fine. When we got to the hospital, you were given Motrin and Tylenol which brought your fever right down and you started to come out of your lethargic daze. I cried happy tears because that cry meant you were okay. You held your arms for me and it made my heart beat loud and strong. 

My heart beats for you now, Scarlett. It used to beat for me. But now, it belongs to you. 
We were allowed to go home 3 hours later. I was surprised to hear that these seizures are common in babies when fevers spike. They usually dissipate after 3 or 4 years old, and sometimes, only happen once. I just have to be cautious when you spike fevers. I need to give you Tylenol at the first sign of a fever to prevent this from happening again. Daddy and I both cried. We love you so much that a scare like this is torture. Thankfully, it wasn't as serious as it seemed. Mostly just scary. 

So that was our scare. When you grow up and if/when you have children, know that this is something that sometimes happens. I had no idea that little ones sometimes had seizures from rapid rising fevers. It's the body's was of protecting itself. How much you learn as a first time parent. We are thankful that you are feeling better peanut. And I'm sorry that I have to torture you with that gross medicine all the time. Haha. We love you.....

Love, Mommy & Daddy

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