Thursday, October 4, 2012

17 Months.

Dear Scarlett,
As you grow into a little girl, I am amazed. You are in your copy cat phase now. 
Anything that Mommy or Daddy do, you do, too. 
I find you talking on your cell phone, typing on your lap top and brushing your teeth.
You are talking more than ever right now.
You can also point out all your block animals when I call them out.
You say many words and your vocabulary is expanding each day. Right now, we are still living in New York. We are looking for a house to buy here. I'm hoping that we find one soon because our wedding is coming up in May and I don't want to be house hunting or moving close to the wedding.
I've been very busy with life lately. I wish there was more time in the day.
We have moved twice in the last month. 
But other than that, life is good.

You are our joy, as always. 
Loving your babies and carrying around your blankie.
Halloween is coming soon and I am excited to dress you up and go trick or treating with your Playgroup. You are old enough to have more fun this year.
Right now, your favorite foods are:
Tofu Pups

You eat pretty much everything that I give you. Just the other day, you ate a yogurt with a spoon all by yourself. I'm getting ready to sign you up for preschool since the wait list here in New York is 2 years. I don't know if we will still be here then but just in case.
Peanut girl,
You are officially a mischief maker. You are into everything. I find you doing naughty things all the time but I guess that's because you are learning all about this world around us.
I am so happy that I get to stay home and raise you. See you grow day by day.
I wouldn't have it any other way. 
Photos from this Month:

Love Always,

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