It isn't possible! How can you be a month away from 2 years old? No matter how much I try and savor the moments, no matter how I try and stall time, it just keeps on going by.
You are definitely becoming who you are. Some people call it "terrible twos" but I think it's more of an independence coming over you. You know what is going on around you now and you want
to try things when you want to.
You want to play longer.
You don't want to get changed.
You want to eat snacks.
You don't want to come in from playing outside.
You want to stay up longer.
You casually tell me "No way" in your sweet little voice. It seems to be your favorite saying these days.
At times, I find myself losing patience with my strong-willed, independent toddler. But then I think of when you are all grown, when these days are long gone, and suddenly...your tantrums or time outs seem a lot less troublesome.
We started potty training two days ago.
I had no intention of pushing you. I just wanted to try let you get used to it.
I know that you will do things at your own pace, in your own time.
But you have told me twice that you need to go Potty and you have used it twice in just a few days.
Your vocabulary is through the roof. You are talking more than I imagined you would be able to at this age.
Sentences are pouring out of you.
You can now recite your ABC's and have been able to for about a month now.
I have been singing "You Are My Sunshine" to you for awhile now.
This month, you began singing it back. On tune and everything.
Melting me.....
Every time you sing it, you want me sitting on the floor so you can hug me throughout the song.
Right in the middle of your melody, you plant a big ole' kiss on me.
I couldn't have asked for a more loving little girl.
Today, I watched you sing to your babies "Be Nice To Everyone" as you made them all hold hands.
In my teary eyed mama moment, I realized your Daddy and I are doing something right.
Favorite Shows: Yo Gabba Gabba, The Imagination Movers &
Favorite Foods: Sweet Yellow or Red Peppers, Melon, Mickey cheese and raviolis.
Favorite Songs: "You Are My Sunshine", "Grey Squirrel" and "Be Nice To Everyone" from Yo Gabba Gabba
Photos from this month:
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