Summer camp ended for you in August. I think you miss it. You ask for it everyday. You are such a social little girl. You love to be out and about, doing new things and enjoying yourself. You are like me in that way. I love to be busy. This summer you went to 5 weeks of summer camp for 2 year olds and then I got you into the 3-5 year old summer camp for 5 weeks since they thought you were so well behaved for a 2 year old. Your teachers all love you and want to be your preschool teacher. But you aren't going to the YMCA preschool, you are going to a brand new preschool. I get sad about this. I don't want to leave you for full days. I want to go back part time, let you go to school part time and spend the rest of my days with you. But I have to go back to work to get health insurance for us. Daddy's insurance isn't very good at all and we need to save up as much money so that we can start saving for your college ;)
This month, you have been getting good at going on the potty. You tell me usually. I can tell it is going to be quite easy for you. You're just a smart cookie! You are speaking fluent sentences and you crack me up with the cute things that you say! I need to start posting some more videos on here.
We have been enjoying summer. Going to the beach, kid concerts, picnics in the park, play dates and more. The family came down recently and we all took a trip to the zoo. You fed goats, saw camels and played with giraffes. I want to do as much as I can with you before I go back to work....tears again. I know you will love it but it's still hard for me. You are becoming quite the string bean. Tall and skinny. But happy as can be. I love all your expressions. They make me smile. You don't seem to have any characteristics of a "Terrible Two Year Old" .......maybe that is yet to come?
I was thinking about this today. I hope you and I are always as close as we are now. When I was younger, I went through a teenage phase where I was not close with my mother. In ways I felt like she was absent and it hurt me a lot. Now that I'm older, I understand that things don't always go as planned but I promise you Scarlett, I will be here. Forever. Through thick and thin. I want you to come to me when you are sad, come to me when you are feeling lonely. I want you to talk to me like a friend. When you hug me and ask me to cuddle you, I think, "I wish you would need me like this forever."
Happy 28 months little lady! My how you are becoming a sweet little girl.
Love Mama
You got sick a couple times with ear infections. We ended up in the ER this night....
You love babies lately. Little motherly instincts already.
Another favorite lately is horsies. You sleep with 6 of them at night.
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