Thursday, November 7, 2013

2 1/2 years old!!!!

I have a 2 1/2 year old. Wow.
What can I tell you about you? You are just the funniest thing ever lately. You tell me stories and fill me with joy. You come out with the most imaginative stories ever! Your favorite movie right now is The Little Mermaid. This makes me smile because that was my favorite movie when I was younger as well. 

You started school. Everything worked out so that I can work part time and you are only in school part time. You love going to school now. You keep busy and you are so happy to see me when the day is over. I'm loving my new job, too. Daddy is working overtime right now. So we don't see him as much as we'd like but it is only temporary. Here's whats been happening this month:

 Nunna got married and you were a flower girl, along with Elyssa.

We did some fun fall stuff at the pumpkin patches.

 I took a photo of how long your hair is when it's wet.

You have been sick a lot this month. You started preschool so that is to be expected. You have had a few ear infections, bronchilitis, and Croup. :(

 Fun with Leaves!
 You took gymnastics this month. I think dance will better suit you.
Uncle Peter and Auntie Kalin came to visit. 
We learned to golf with friends.

We went to Elms Farms in upstate NY.

We took a hike up Mt Sugarloaf for Grandpa's birthday.

The view was amazing!

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