Dear Scarlett,
Yesterday you said to me, "Where's my grandma? I want to see my grandma." I asked you who your Grandma was since you call my mother, Nunna. You replied, "Roseanne is my Grandma." I laughed and laughed because I watch Roseanne a lot and it just shows how much you are beginning to learn. Even just watching me. And boy do you make us laugh. You were screaming from our bedroom today. I ran in to see what was the matter, you said, "The fox is coming!!!" I looked to Daddy. He said, "She wants you to say, Swiper No Swiping". I said it to you and you laughed. The cutest little girl ever!
Lately, you want to help me cook everything! You drag a chair over and help stir or knead dough or do whatever I have for you. Another sweet memory of this month is you making me breakfast in bed. Since I'm not a morning person, when I don't have to work, I lay in bed being lazy as long as I can. You get up and make me breakfast out of your kitchen and bring it to me. "Here Mama, here's some tea and breakfast." Makes my entire day!
It is scary how fast you are growing up. I think about things too much. In five months, you will be three years old. In a couple of years, you will be in Kindergarten. Time goes too fast. I try and savor each moment with you. I try and not pay attention to the bad days and soak up the fun times.
I am now working part time and you attend childcare, or as you like to call it, school 3 days a week. You love going and interacting. You read books and play with the kids. Today, a little boy was crying at school when we arrived. You looked at me so concerned and said, "Mama, I want to give him a hug." You are caring an loving and I love those things about you. At two years old, you are such a good soul.
Christmas is coming soon and all you have asked for is a dollhouse. I'm not sure where you came up with this idea but I'm pretty sure Santa will bring you one. You are a good little girl. Of course you have your two year old tantrums and you tend to whine a bit now and again, but that is to be expected. When I was little, all I did was whine. Haha. Compared to me, you are an angel! This Christmas, we are having the entire family here again. I love having them here with us. It's my favorite part of the holidays, besides watching you wake up on Christmas morning.
I am so pleased with the little person you are becoming. I just have one request….slow it down. I love you so much!
Love, Mama and Daddy

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