Saturday, November 3, 2012

Three Potatoes.

Dear Scarlett,
A lot of the posts on here will be from my blog. I share a lot of my best on my personal blog and therefore, I want to share those with you too. Here is a post that I wrote last week about your 3 potatoes. It's one of my favorite posts. 

I find these three little potatoes all over the house.
Scarlett snuck them out of the lazy susan one day while I was cooking and she's been smitten with them ever since.
When I first found them, I thought it was humorous and picked them up and put them away.
When I found them taken out again the next day, I thought, what on earth?
One day, I peeked into her room to see her counting them, "Onnnne, twoooo, freee.."
Smiling I let her be. I started to think about the potatoes.
Those three little potatoes bring her so much joy.
The little things that Scarlett does in her eagerness to learn, it melts my heart.

One day she will be all grown up and I am going to miss those silly three potatoes.
This reminds me that the simple things in life really are the most important.
I am pretty sure that Scarlett loves those potatoes more than some of her most expensive toys.
It gives me perspective and lets me remember to stay true to the things that matter.
I love those three potatoes.

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